Thursday, November 17, 2016

Possible cabinet choices for Trump signal tone of administration

In what what has become a rite of passage for newly elected presidents, and a favorite guessing game across the drawing rooms of Georgetown and Capitol Hill, just exactly who will be in Donald Trump's’ cabinet has taken on a new urgency, with some forgetting, in their haste, to judge, to see that his timeline is just about par for the course, and that six weeks is actually normal for cabinet level positions to be announced, ever since the time oF Richard Nixon; who took the unprecedented step of announcing them all in those six weeks.

Controversy has dogged Trump along his professional career, and his step into the presidency is no exception.  Drawing the most attention, indeed the most criticism, by liberals, especially is the choice of Stephen Bannon as his senior counselor, has come under severe criticism for his white supremacist leanings, and his support of  the so-called “alt-right” media, his prior role as Breitbart News Network’s executive chairman.

Bannon has also questioned the right for foreign students studying in U.S. colleges their right to remain in the country, or to be sent back to their own. Trump voiced concern over these students attending Ivy League schools and then going home: “We have to be careful of that, Steve. You know, we have to keep our talented people in this country,” Trump said.

When asked if he agreed, Bannon responded: “When two-thirds or three-quarters of the CEOs in Silicon Valley are from South Asia or from Asia, I think . . . ” he didn’t finish his sentence. “A country is more than an economy. We’re a civic society.”

The term is suggestive of a white nationalist identity, and, now, his appointment seems fraught with challenges, criticisms, and a definite commitment to playing to Trump's base as he plans to deport illegal aliens, and in this light some sort of ethnic cleaning, say critics.

While most agree that Reince Priebus is a wise choice for chief of staff - especially for the near unbridled cowboy mentality of the president-elect, many in Washington are also noting that he might be able to reign in his more exuberant claims, and statements though no one knows if he will keep him away from Twitter, especially in the wee hours of the morning , where his trigger happy fingers might land the White House in whether an interaction scandal, or a domestic drama.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani slated for two possible positions, attorney general or secretary of state, might also be a way of stabilizing critics, yet he also gave several speeches that he was paid mightily for in middle eastern countries like Qatar, and where there is a potential conflict of interest.

His combat on crime in New York, during the 1980s would also come back to haunt him with his stop and frisk policies that tilted heavily in favor of men of color, often without charge; gave great concern to civil rights advocates, while his liberal critics were upset that he did not take the same ferocity and double down on repairing the city’s public school systems,which were in shambles.

But Giuliani's self redemption came when the city was attacked on 9/11,and his performance assuaged critics and earned him laurels for his job of both inspiration and leadership.

Trump’s son in law, Jared Kushner, is begging for security clearance and a possible administration position, yet federal statutes forbid hiring close relatives. Kushner’s idea of not taking a paycheck,so that he can work, is also nixed by that same law.

This law was not on the books when JFK appointed his brother Robert Kennedy as attorney general, and met subsequent criticism by quipping: "I can't see that it's wrong to give him a little legal experience before he goes out to practice law.”

Jeff Sessions as Secretary of Defense or Attorney General would not be amiss, some say, and he has been a supporter  - and honest critic of Trump, on the campaign trail. And his long tenure as a state level AG would hold him in good stead.

For treasurer -- bound to be a top job - for the economically challenged Trump, Jeb Hensarling's name has been on the short list, but this is also the man who screamed at Fed Chair Janet Yellen in her recent testimony on Capitol Hill, before the House Financial Services Committee.

Women have also been on lists and one of them is Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina, who, transition team members say, are enthused about, perhaps as a counterweight to the “locker room” tales that Candidate Trump crowed about on an OTR tape, that surfaced during the campaign..

Mike Huckabee could be be dusted off as a potential secretary of commerce, although this might face stiff competition from others, and former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is being considered for Health and Human Services, which might give him a bump later on in political runs. A former State level health and human service secretary, he is also an ardent foe of the Affordable Care Act, who made the state one of the most restrictive for abortions and where women desiring the procedure would have to undergo ultrasounds and listen to the fetal heartbeats, amongst other restrictions, before continuing with the procedure.

While there is ample time for the Trump cabinet to be formed, these early choices and signals convey what a Trump administration will be like, especially for foreign students, women, African Americans, and other more vulnerable populations. Only time will truly tell.

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